Recommended vaccination for adults who meet age requirement, lack documentation of vaccination, or lack evidence of past infection
Recommended vaccination for adults with an additional risk factor or another indication
Recommended vaccination based on shared clinical decision-making
No recommendation/Not applicable
Administer recommended vaccines if vaccination history is incomplete or unknown. Do not restart or add doses to vaccine series if there are extended intervals between doses. The use of trade names is for identification purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the ACIP or CDC.
Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccination
*Note: Heplisav-B not recommended in pregnancy due to lack of safety data in pregnant women
*Note: Anyone age 60 years or older who does not meet risk-based recommendations may still receive Hepatitis B vaccination.
Human papillomavirus vaccination
Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination
Meningococcal vaccination
Note: MenB vaccines may be administered simultaneously with MenACWY vaccines if indicated, but at a different anatomic site, if feasible.
For contraindications and precautions to Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY)
[MenACWY-CRM (Menveo®); MenACWY-D (Menactra®); MenACWY-TT (MenQuadfi®)], see MenACWY Appendix
For contraindications and precautions to Meningococcal B (MenB)
[MenB-4C (Bexsero®); MenB-FHbp (Trumenba®)], see MenB Appendix
Pneumococcal vaccination
*Note: Immunocompromising conditions include chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, immunodeficiency, iatrogenic immunosuppression, generalized malignancy, human immunodeficiency virus, Hodgkin disease, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, solid organ transplants, congenital or acquired asplenia, sickle cell disease, or other hemoglobinopathies.
*Note: Immunocompromising conditions include chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, immunodeficiency, iatrogenic immunosuppression, generalized malignancy, human immunodeficiency virus, Hodgkin disease, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, solid organ transplants, congenital or acquired asplenia, sickle cell disease, or other hemoglobinopathies.
**Note: Underlying medical conditions or other risk factors include alcoholism, chronic heart/liver/lung disease, chronic renal failure, cigarette smoking, cochlear implant, congenital or acquired asplenia, CSF leak, diabetes mellitus, generalized malignancy, HIV, Hodgkin disease, immunodeficiency, iatrogenic immunosuppression, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, nephrotic syndrome, solid organ transplants, or sickle cell disease or other hemoglobinopathies.
Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccination
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